Saturday, October 24, 2015

"I'll hold the Dollar and Collar, you just come and work for peanuts", will this strategy attract and/ or retain Talent?

"I'll hold the Dollar and Collar, you just come and work for peanuts",
Will this strategy attract and/ or retain Talent?
May it be Organisation, it's applicable.
May it be Nations, it's applicable.
May it be Business, it's applicable.
May it be family, it's applicable.
May it be NGO, it's applicable.
May it be SHO, it's applicable.
May it be Public Sector, it's applicable.
May it be Private Sector, it's applicable.
May it be Spirituality, it's applicable.
May it be Political Parties, it's applicable.
May it be mother organisations of political parties, it's applicable.
May it be this nation, it's applicable.
May it be that nation, it's applicable.
May it be this planet, it's applicable.
May it be that planet, it's applicable.
Peanuts attracts monkey not humans.
Collar attracts blue, white, grey,....collars not humans.
Dollars attracts, dollars not humans.
I'm so happy I don't hold the Dollar and the collar too.
I'm happy I live with humans.

Aum. Amin. Amen.

Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude, Nagpur, India

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