Thursday, September 18, 2008

Classical Ideas to be tried in Hadron Collider and for other scientists.

Classical Ideas to be tried in Hadron Collider and for other scientists.
If photon/ electron can travel at the speed of 99.99999 speed of light, then why not brush up and reduce their size and let them travel at the speed of light?
If matter particles are possible then "vacuum particles" also are possible. As ultimately vacuum also occupies some volume. These particles can travel at tachonic speeds, i.e. more than the speed of light. The idea was generated when a 'hole' travels in the semiconductor. (Hole is the space left due to electrong leaving that place).
Once I read, positron and electron collision create energy and some part of them vanishes into unknown. This unknowsn could be that vacuum. So we must try generating particles out of that "unknown".
If electrons can be broken then even Quarks can be broken.
Dark matter does exists and dark energy also exists. If matter is converted into energy then why not energy into matter?
If we diminish the particle size of photon by 10 times then its travelling speed should increase by 10 times the speed of light. I mean tachonic speed is possible.
If electron microscope is possible then Quark microscope is possible.
If Nano technology is possible then Quark technology is possible.
You can reach the speed "at the speed of thought and we can travel to any place in the Universe and Multiverse without travesing the path".
I know there are the challenges before the Classical Physics but it is possible. Let us try to get more out of that matrix which is generaed by Lord Buddha out of which we could generate only few technologies worth shaking the world. There are 120 billion more possibilties in that.
Space ship made up of vacuum can travel faster than the speed of light, but you must have technology to hold that true. In fact if plasma of 1,000,0000,000 degrees celcius could be hold between the maganets then there must be some technology to hold this vacuum which could be useful in future.
We can generate a Aeroplane which will avoid the gravity effect and will stand above my house, at the end of 12 hours I'll be on USA without trvesing any movement. Thus, we can save fuel.

I feel Humanbeings are very backward species if they cannot achive these and few more technologies that will expand their base on multiple Universes.

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