Wednesday, June 04, 2008

पसायदान (संत ज्ञानेश्वर यांचे पसायदान)

पसायदान (संत ज्ञानेश्वर यांचे पसायदान)

आतां विश्वात्मके देवे, येणे वाग्यज्ञे तोषावे,
तोषोनि मज द्यावे, पसायदान हे
जे खळांचि व्यंकटी सांडो, तया सत्कर्मी रती वाढो,
भूतां परस्परे जडो, मैत्र जीवांचे
दुरितांचे तिमिर जावो, विश्व स्वधर्म सूर्ये पाहो,
जो जे वांछील तो ते लाहो, प्राणिजात
वर्षत सकळ मंगळी, ईश्वरनिष्ठांची मांदियाळी,
अनवरत भूमंडळी, भेटतु भूता
चला कल्पतरूंचे आरव, चेतनाचिंतामणींचे गाव,
बोलती जे अर्णव, पीयूषांचे
चन्द्रमेंजे अलांछन, मार्तण्ड जे तापहीन,
ते सर्वाही सदा सज्जन, सोयरे होतु
किंबहुना सर्व सुखी, पूर्ण होवोनि तिहीं लोकी,
भजिजो आदिपुरुषीं, अखण्डित
येथ म्हणे श्री विश्वेश्वरावो, हा होईल दानपसावो,
येणे वरे ज्ञानदेवो, सुखिया झाला

भरोनी सद्भावाची अंजुली, मियां ओवियाँ फुले मोकाली,
अर्पिली अन्घ्री युगुली विश्वरूपाच्या
इये शरिरिचिये माती, मेलविन तये क्षिति
जेथ्ये श्रीचरण उभे ठाकती , आराध्याचे
पसायदान (संत ज्ञानेश्वर यांचे पसायदान)
Pasaydan English Translation by Dr।: Ashish Manor Urkude:
It is prayer to the Almighty Lord/ Yahova/ Allah/ God of this Universe:

Hey Almighty of Multiverse, Please Grace me and accept my sermon as prayers
Let not sinners commit evil and their desire to ethical and good deeds increase, let all the living beings be live in harmony,
Let the evil and unethical vanish, let the sun of righteousness arise, let the wishes and desires of all the living beings be fulfilled and satisfied.
Let all the people live in the company of pious, generous Saints and Devotees of almighty god, so that they can bestow blessings and generosity,
Saints are full of blessings, like a tree loaded with fruits; Saints shower blessings in terms blissful words, deeds and blessings. Few call Saints as walking tree-God who fulfills the wishes of devotees. Few call these Saints as Ocean filled with blessings for all and who fulfill the wishes devotees.
Saints are like moon but without any dark spot on it. Saints are like Sun but without scorching heat which may harm anybody. Saints are harmless to all the living and non-living entities. Hence, people should listen and live with them and follow the ideals set by them, as they are always in touch with god.
Let all the beings in this world offer constant prayer to almighty God and thus remain always happy.
After listening to this, the Guru of Dnyaneshwar (who happens to be Nivruttinath his elder brother) blessed Dnyaneshwar saying, “You’ll get it.” This made Saint Dnyaneshwar very happy.
Then Saint Dnyaneshwar said, “This is my offering to the almighty, in fact my words are flowers which I am offering at the feet of the almighty.”
Saint Dnyaneshwar continued, “Henceforth I have only one wish that I’ll offer my body at the feet of my almighty God of this Multiverse.”

Hope it's also available on other websites like wikipedia। However, it's what we were taught since childhood I put here.

डॉ. आशीष मनोहर उरकुडे

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