Saturday, January 30, 2016

Let India be immortal, successful and safe (Sanskrit Poem) "Bharat Bhumi Amar Bhav"

Let India be immortal, successful and safe (Sanskrit Poem)
((((Hope everyone agrees now the person who knows Sanskirt (the language of God) knows more than 80% languages in the world))))

Republic India, Independent India, In-defeat-able India, Indefinable India, Let you be always winning. (1)
Well governed India, Interesting India, Well to do India, having Good people, Let you be always successful. (2)
The best among the countries, the most ancient country, the most beloved country for saints, the most beloved country for common men, Let you be immortally loved by everyone.  (3).
My India, Your India, Visitors India, Everyone's India, Let you be always safe. (4)
The place of Ram, the place of Krushna, the place of Durga, the place of Sharda, the land of Gods and Goddesses be immortal. (5)
Let India be always winning,
Let India be always successful,
Let India be loved by all,
Let India be always safe,
Let my country India be immortal,
Let country of Gods and Goddesses be living forever, living forever, living forever.....

Aum. Amin. Amen.

Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude, (Sanskrit Original Below)

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